Pimples are really annoying and a downer for your confidence. Many young people and adults suffer from acne. The solution is not something that will happen overnight, but by following these The Best 10 Tips Against Pimples you will be in the long run will notice some difference and decreased pimples. This page is regularly updated and adjusted according to the new trends and tips for pimples coming.

1. Do not use harsh products for pimples
Puistjeser are many products on the market that promise a quick fix for acne. Too aggressive products remove the protective fat from the skin. The skin is prone to infections. The skin will be much sebum will create at compensation. This in turn leads to pimples.
Some are really working to exfoliate every day! This is very detrimental to the skin. Think of natural products against pimples like olive oil, castor oil and tea tree oil. Use a good skin care product. It often takes a bit but it does very well. Twice daily, the skin will diminish! Pimples in the long term cleaning
For example, the products from Clinique, Clarins and Vichy work with the skin and not against the skin.
Use twice a day for:
A gentle cleansing
A nourishing tonic
A good cream
2: Visit the GP
The doctor can help in the fight against pimples you. It could be hormonal, or just a result of a too dry skin. Sometimes acne can also be caused by an allergy to a particular skin product or for a certain makeup or perfume. The doctor can help you through an allergy test. A good general practitioner does not intervene directly to the strong resources but helps to detect the cause.
Allow direct you to a dermatologist if there is no clear difference after a few visits to your doctor.
3: Stress, sugar, fat, dairy products
Try a month or three no oily food, minimal lactose, and little junk food. It has been proven that a diet zuivelarm acne can reduce by 50%. Lactose intolerance can also cause the skin becomes more irritated and therefore more pimples appear. Fat food has never been scientifically proven, but after a few days it will still anyone notice the skin. Bad food
Stress can aggravate acne and cause even more redness occurs. Try to avoid stress. Just get away from the stressful situation and make sure that you certainly do not begin to scratch the pimples.4: The Pill in the fight against pimples
The pill may very well help in some cases in the fight against pimples. The pill because it may be less or even go away completely. The Diane 35 is very often recommended for acne. But who has been in the news recently and may be dangerous to health. So better choose another pill as the doctor comes with it. The pill is in fact still in the trade. There are other alternatives such as the Nuvaring and Pleisterpil. This works more natural and contains less hormones. The YASMIN pill is also very fine against pimples. After a few weeks the skin is cleaner.
5: Supplements for pimples
Sometimes our body, no matter how healthy we live simply not enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients get to have. Clear skin Care in the first place for a whole food. Vitamin deficiency can also cause pimples because certainly swallow a vitamin at all time can help. Omega 3 makes for a beautiful skin. This is also a good tip!
By squeezing pimples you get more pimples. They also create scars which were before you pimples. You get inflammation and redness. For example, go rather to the beauty specialist. By washing your hands regularly, you prevent further formation of pimples. So use good hygiene!
7: Accept it and learn to live with it
Try to solve and learn to live with it. It's not as bad as it looks because everyone has it in one way or another affected. There has been which has been shown that 98% of young people in more or less often has to deal with pimples. A recent study So there is nothing to be ashamed of. Do not be insecure.
8: Use a good concealer for pimples
For the better beauty shops are good products for sale to camouflage. Pimples on a skin-friendly way This really is not harmful if you keep cleaning the skin, Twice daily. This is nothing to see more and get your confidence a boost whole.
Drink plenty of water every day. Two liters per day is recommended. If the skin is too dry, dead skin cells can not be discarded. This results in clogged pores and acne Green tea is very good to reduce pimples. Within days Refresh the antioxidants your skin in a quick manner.
10: Pimples and other tips
Nasal strips for example, the Action Slakkengel cream shop and helps to keep. Pimples under control Regularly use a treatment mask. This can significantly soothe the skin and reduce pimples. The preference for natural products is nowadays more and more present and this is not unjustified. Tea tree oil is very good for drying. Pimple out Natural products will not irritate the skin further. Also makeup products with known minerals ensure that the skin does not become clogged.
Pimple Seen satin pillowcase helps very well in the fight against acne. The Best 10 Tips Against Pimples can make a big difference
Lots wasgels against breakouts scrub grains. In most cases, this is NOT recommended. So buy something and not just let your good advice. Once a week exfoliate is very important but certainly not every day!
Read other articles about pimples on this site because we can not put all the info. Single article