Tips Against Aging

Tips Against Aging : Skin aging can begin before the 30th year, but with the right methods you can halt and turn back the clock a bit. There are hundreds of so-called miracle cures against aging but there are some tips that work better. Mature skin needs to be helped inside and out a hand to quickly tightening skin to go and get a younger appearance.

Tips Against Aging

1: Anti-Oxidants help prevent skin aging
Antioxidants are essential to good health and this includes a good help against skin aging. There are many skin care products with known antioxidants in the ingredients list, but of course you can add more power to your eating plan with lots of antioxidants. This is not only natural but also much more effective than all kinds of spreads.

Proper diet full of antioxidants
Beta-carotene: This is among other carrots, sweet potatoes. Anthocyanins: The substance that gives example, the bright colors of red cabbage and red beets. It improves skin tone. Flavonoid: Found in citrus fruits, onions and green and white tea. This has a strong anti-oxidant effect. Sulforaphane: found in broccoli.Helpt against aging by restoring the damaged cells.

The most important vitamins
Vitamin A: Found in many foods and extra good against skin aging. Vitamin C not only helps with a cold but is also needed for firm skin. Vitamin E found in nuts among other things. Selenium what you can find in some meats and fish usually protected the cells against free radicals.
Free radicals damage the cells and damaged cells provide not only aging but also for old diseases such as diabetic, clogged arteries, arthritis, diabetes and a weakened immune system.

2: Be careful with your skin
When washing your face has to be quite never scrubbed. Firm strokes damage the skin. For example, pat it dry always rubbing with a towel. Instead of

3: Clean the skin two times a day
Everyone knows it, not everyone does it. Go to sleep with makeup is very bad for the skin! Still try to clean the skin every day twice. Dust and dirty bacteria end up in Jee skin and cause clogging of the pores.

4: Protect the skin from the sun
Reportedly 90% of skin aging caused by the sun! So wear every day protection. A sunscreen with SPF 15 is good for everyday use, if you know you go outside in the summer all day for example, use even 30 times.

5: Scrub once per week
This allows for a deeper cleaning, remove dead skin cells and bring new skin cells to the surface. With age the cell renewal process. Slows This should be a bit helped.

6: Drink plenty of water every day
We now know, but it remains important and could not be missing here. Combine drink with good anti-oxidants: drink green tea.

7: Remove bad habits
Do not go every time in a tanning bed, but learn how to tan without sun make in a good way. Do not drink too much alcohol often. Stop smoking.

8: Use skin products in the right way
Do not use a body scrub on your face. Or a body lotion on your face. Always use skin care products in the right way.

9: Go for natural resources
Natural and ecological is always better. A gray skin can quickly revive a deep cleansing oil with natural olive oil. In natural means no harmful substances that can even provide. Extra aging are

10: Face Exercises, frowning and more
Prefer to wear sunglasses in the car not to frown. There are many facial exercises that help you against skin aging. Try them out because facial exercises can be done sitting, whilst typing or watching TV.

Thank you for reading Tips Against Aging and dont forget to read our lates article The Spectrum Diet.

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