The Beauty Diet

The Beauty Diet  : Is there such a thing as beauty diet? A beauty diet plan? Everyone would like to look better, stay younger. Yet you want a nice figure, but the skin should not be forgotten. Detoxification is a good way to quickly fall. Few pounds off It does not in an aggressive manner. By eating better, you fall off too. Read on and find a way to pretty to eat. Every diet starts with a goal, a deadline. For example, choose a period of two months. Try it out, and watch your beauty and figure have improved in that time. 

The Beauty Diet

Eliminating harmful substances 
A beauty diet begins to eliminate. Harmful substances Think strong, refined or processed foods. There are all substances that do not occur in nature. Highly processed diet elimination does not mean you've lost more money and time. It can even save you money. 

Sugar is not good for a body. A little bit of course, but no pounds per year! Look at the ingredients of any food. Sugar sells! And even food manufacturers add sugar to meats. By eliminating sugar from you get a healthier body. Your energy regains a natural rhythm. And of course you fall off! The beginning is difficult, your body goes desire. Sugar is also a habit. This you can unlearn, and after a month without sugar, your taste buds will recover. A carrot tastes good sweet fruit tastes better. 

I never did it but for a beautiful skin it is a must! I'm talking about caffeine! Caffeine dehydrates the body off. This makes for an unsightly skin, cellulitis. 
There is "green tea" which is unroasted coffee packed with anti-oxidants. Green tea also has a natural form of caffeine. Or try it all to stop. 

Meat and beauty 
Previously meat was healthy. Animals living in the forest and people ate only 'organic'. Today there is the "plofkip 'pork we eat way too much. And beef also causes various diseases. Try during beauty diet alone organic meat to eat. And as little as possible. There are lots of tasty meat substitutes. 
NOTE: Some people just can not lose weight. They are getting in and actually eat much candy. Try to eat organic for a while. This helps in the most cases. 

Fruit and vegetables 
We all know that we should eat. More fruits and vegetables It's so easy. Buy delicious wok vegetables, and eat it with pasta for example. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are very healthy and detoxifying. Slowjuicer is a juicer twice produces more juice, and where the healthy enzymes remain undamaged! 
Eat more often an apple fruit into indulging yet another flavor. Fruit for breakfast, in between, it is always possible! 

Bread and potatoes 
The basis of our diet. But when we actually decided that bread and potatoes, the largest disk in the diet should be? This was in times of poverty. Do not eat too much bread, choose healthy alternatives such as spelled bread. Also potatoes are healthy, but not if you eat too much of it. Try sweet potatoes. That contain more vitamin A than carrots, and even vitamin C! 

Eat fish twice a week. Fish contains omega 3, and this causes the skin and the hair will be much nicer. Also, you will lose weight by eating fish. 

Without movement, it makes little sense to eating there 
Try more likely to go with the bike and practicing a sport. By eating better, you also get energy! By moving, you get more energy!
 Thank you for reading The Beauty Diet

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