Acne: Do It Fast Lost!

Do It Fast Lost! : On your skin is always a layer of sebum. This is to protect your skin. From drying out and to ensure that there is no inflammation in your skin. Sebum is like a protective film on your skin. There is only a problem if there is too much sebum get created. This is due to various causes. Opinions on this are sharply divided. It will in any case by hormonal influences. All kinds of pimples are quite simple to deal with. The only problem is that it usually is a process which takes a long time.

Acne Do It Fast Lost!

There is a three-step plan for acne / pimples:

Gentle Cleaning
Clean your skin well but dry him off. The best is a lovingly soft 'soap-free' soap. (ph-neutral)

Go to the doctor
The doctor can help you find. Proper medication you There are so many drugs. Even if you are young or puberty, in going to the doctor. Acne is something that begins at a young age and then can be immediately done something. Best

Food and drink
Watch what you eat and drink. Take vitamins, drink plenty of water. See my other post about acne.

Acne undermines your confidence and is something that should be! Taken seriously Acne can cause scarring. That is permanent for life!

Myths, misconceptions and facts about acne

There are many misconceptions about acne, but here are the four most common:

Acne is caused by dirt
That's not true. Usually, acne is caused by dead skin cells mix with sebum on your skin.

Well cleaning heals acne (pimples)
This is not true. The problem is on the inside and a solution must be found.

Make up causes acne
This is again not true. Most types of makeup are water based and not. Clog your pores

Sex causes acne
And this is not true! There is no evidence that sex could cause acne. There is even no connection between sex and acne!

What then does help acne?

Nettle tea and green tea have a good effect on acne. Nettle tea is cleansing, if you drink 1 or 2 cups per day of this herbal tea to cleanse your skin.

Tea tree oil also helps against pimples.

Rose water helps very well. There's alcohol, yet is gentle to the skin.

The doctor can help you.

Put a wet towel in the microwave. Dab your face clean afterwards. Go through the heat your pores are open and clean your skin deep.

Benzoyl peroxide can pick you up at the pharmacy or the doctor. One of the few things that really help.

Change frequently your pillowcase.

Benzac you can also pick up at the pharmacy. Very good against pimples and acne.

Potato juice should also help.

Zinkzalf also helps against acne.

Good luck with it!

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