Effortless Weight Loss With 7 Simple Tips

Effortless Weight Loss With 7 Simple Tips

Lose weight without effort ... to do That sounds like a fairy tale ?! But it is possible and in fact even quite simple. Especially for people who have sedentary jobs or have no time to exercise, this way of lines ideal. This weight loss method takes no extra time, money or effort. And do nonetheless slimming ...

Effortless Weight Loss With 7 Simple Tips

1 First Select, Then Eat

Each kilocalorie that you do not burn with exercise, save your possibly as fat. So look on the packaging of the things you eat and drink, how many calories are in it and choose the variant with the smallest number of kilocalories.

For example, a sausage roll contains about 310 calories, while a whole wheat bun with toppings average yields 210 calories. In full chocolate around 180 calories per glass sit in tea 0 So take a wholemeal roll with tea and lunch instead of a sausage roll with chocolate, you will get quickly 280 calories less in! And there are of course countless ways to save. Continuously calories

Just calculate how much it will save if you make the right choices at every meal. You will see that effortless weight loss is possible by making the wisest choices. Every time

2 Eat More Frequent, But Smaller Portions

Eat More Frequent, But Smaller Portions

During the lines is correct smart to eat often, preferably every two and a half hours. Of course you should not always eat a full meal, but choose small bites and snacks such as fruit, nut bars, whole grain rice cakes or whole grain crackers. From experience of countless dietitians shows that you take when you eat at least 5 times a day, about 500 calories less a day you.

This could be because your blood sugar and insulin levels remain stable, so you do not get hungry and do not give in to temptations of sugary and high-fat extras.

3 Take The Stairs

As tempting as it suits the lift may be, always take the stairs! This can be at work, but also while shopping in a department store or shopping mall. Just a flight of stairs takes you little effort, but all those times on a day when you decide to move to stand still, instead of together ensure that you are just an hour per week in motion. Moreover, you use with stairs up to 880 calories per hour! So if you do not exercise machines, stair climbing is an excellent form of home training.

This trick can actually also apply to go cycling instead of driving, to stand rather than sit or dance ... to hang at the bar instead of

4 Move the printer and walk along to colleagues

Even at work, you can use the trick of moving instead of sitting or standing. Office work with your average consumption 150 calories per hour, but by walking quickly 300. Force yourself so arranged to stand during your work and turn active and / or relaxing micro pauses ...

Turn the printer next to your desk, but in the hall. Place the coffee machine as far as possible away from your workplace. You have the choice, choose an office that is far from the entrance and exit area. Also, stop mail and call colleagues who sit a few rooms away and walk just get going. It is effortless to lose weight and even promotes also your social ties with colleagues.

5 Use the pause for movement

During the breaks, many people with colleagues sitting in the canteen or working while eating maybe even. The sandwich do you work in while you're behind the screen. Sin! Instead, use your break to walk. A nice little So you have without too much trouble (and expense of the owner) anyway tackle. Again half an hour movement It saves you back 150 calories.

Moreover, it is unhealthy to sit still all day; exercise helps ao + RSI back and neck problems occur frequently resurface in people with sedentary jobs.

6 Small dishes = less automatically Food & Drink

Use smaller plates, glasses and bowls when it comes to food and drink. Because you will be soon your plate -regardless format it- create full and empty food altogether.

Brian Wansink of Cornell University has researched dinnerware size vs. portion size and it turns out that your appetite is dependent on the size of your plate. With a big sign you feel full, less because you think the portion is smaller than the same portion on a small plate. He explains this difference in visual perception by reference in this photo: Although both black dots are the same size, the black dot to the right appears to be smaller by the large surrounding dots.

When you eat chips, nuts or cookies, you can thus do better in a small dish, then eat straight from the bag. How you keep track of how much you take. Also you drink soon half the alcohol if you drink a glass of wine from a port rather than from a large bell. There is one exception: large glass of water you get right, because it certainly should drink about 2 (or 3) gallons per day. Water supplies 0 calories, cleanses namely your body and helps you lose weight.

7 Home cooking is healthier
Home cooking is healthier

Know what you eat and prepare meals. To food (takeaway) restaurants and ready-to-eat meals is added to enhance its taste. Usually a huge amount of cream, oil and sugar Ready-to-eat meals also contain much more salt than home-cooked meals to make sure that they are longer. When you cook yourself, you know exactly what goes into the pan.

No time to cook? Do it once a week if necessary. Put different vegetables on the fire, several pieces of meat or fish and some potatoes, rice and pasta. Freeze the various products after preparation separately and per serving, and then choose every day for a different combination. In the oven and ready your healthy, homemade meal.

Thank you for reading Effortless Weight Loss With 7 Simple Tips and dont forget to read our previous article about How To get a six pack in four steps! .

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